Jofre Herrero, LIFE MySOIL technical coordinator from Eurecat, participated in the IV Conference on Soil Pollution, an event organised by the Waste Agency of Catalonia held on November 20th-21st, 2023, in Barcelona.
In the conference, he delivered a presentation about LIFE MySOIL where introduced the problem with industrial soils in Europe and highlighted the need for the project. Jofre Herrero talked about the project objectives, the demonstration sites or the project phases, as well the upcoming outputs.
You can download the slides of the presentation here:
A step further in bioremediation: mycoremediation for soil recovery
During the bioremediation block of the conference, moderated by Magda Grifoll, other projects aiming at improving soil remediation were presented. In particular, the participants were Marçal Bosch (LITOCLEAN, PHY2CLIMATE), Eduard Borràs (LEITAT, GREENER) and Sebastià Puig (University of Girona, NYMPHE).
Afterwards, a round table was held on the state of the art and applicability of the different bioremediation technologies and the benefits of having successful experiences on a field scale.
The objective of the IV Conference on Soil Pollution was to keep moving forward between all the agents involved in this topic. Among the attendees, there were professionals working in the contaminated soil sector, industry, consulting companies, universities, research centers and public bodies.