LIFE MySOIL Open Day - Spain

Soil mycoremediation demonstrator

The LIFE MySOIL project is pleased to invite you to its 3rd Open Day, organised by KEPLER, Ingeniería y Ecogestión on May 29th in Seville (Spain) and online to illustrate the scalability of mycoremediation solutions for the clean-up of aged TPH contaminated industrial soil.

The Open Day consists of a set of keynotes on bioremediation and mycoremediation delivered by experts from the project’s consortium and external speakers, followed by a visit to the LIFE MySOIL pilot-scale mycopiles set up at the Energy Park La Rábida.


What is mycoremediation?

It is a bioremediation solution relying on the remarkable biodegradative abilities of fungi. As an alternative to traditional chemical and thermal soil treatment methods, soil mycoremediation is:

  • Cost-Effective: this bioremediation approach often proves to be more budget-friendly than conventional methods.
  • Versatile: mycoremediation can address various contaminants and diverse soil types.
  • Eco-friendly, as it avoids the use of chemicals and reduces the energy consumption of the treatment.

May 29, 2024


9:00h – 18:30h


8:45 – 9:00 – Reception


Bioremediation (moderated by Jorge Diamantino)


9:00 – 9:20 – Introduction to KEPLER, Ingeniería y Ecogestión (in Spanish)

Norbert Nägele, Director, KEPLER


9:20 – 9:40 – Legal analysis of the reuse of contaminated soil in Andalusia (in Spanish)

Raúl Vega, Head of the Soil Quality Department, Junta de Andalucía


09:40 – 10:00 – Microbiological treatment of contaminated soils and associated groundwaters: basics and practical cases (in Spanish)

Justo Tenorio, South Zone Delegate, KEPLER


10:00 – 10:20 – In situ chemical reduction and anaerobic bioremediation of groundwater contaminated with percholoroethylene (in Spanish)

Cynthia Alcántara, Director of Consulting and R&D&I, KEPLER


10:20 – 10:40 – Benefits of the use of fungi in bioremediation: scaling up and circular economy (in Spanish)

Carlos García, Permanent Professor, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


10:40 – 11:00 – Soil modeling project (in Spanish)

Andrea Caso, Soil & Sustainability Advisor, CEPSA

Antonio Gallego, Senior Exploration Geologist, CEPSA

Andrés Jiménez, Environment Technician, CEPSA


11:00 – 11:30 – Coffee break

Mycoremediation: the LIFE MySOIL project (moderated by Carlos García)


11:30 – 11:45 – Introduction to the LIFE MySOIL project (in Spanish)

Jofre Herrero, Advanced Researcher and LIFE MySOIL Coordinator, Eurecat


11:45 – 12:10 – Advanced monitoring tools for assessment of natural pollutant biodegradation and success control of bioremediation

Anko Fischer, Head of Office in Leipzig, Isodetect


12:10 – 12:30 – LIFE MySOIL mycopiles in France

Jean-Michel Scheuren, CEO & Co-founder, Novobiom

Laurent Thannberger, Scientific Director, VALGO


12:30 – 12:50 – LIFE MySOIL mycopiles in Italy

Alessandro D’Annibale, Senior Researcher, University of La Tuscia

Fiora Bagnato, Senior R&D Specialist, Eni Rewind


12:50 – 13:10 – LIFE MySOIL mycopiles in Spain (in Spanish)

Rafael Antón, Researcher, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Jorge Diamantino, Consultant, KEPLER



13:10 – 13:30 – Round table

Coordinated by Jorge Diamantino, Consultant, KEPLER

13:30 – 15:00 – Cocktail

15:00 – 18:30 – Visit to the pilot biopiles at the La Rábida refinery (Huelva)

About the project

The LIFE MySOIL project develops a competitive and innovative technology to demonstrate the feasibility of mycoremediation to remediate all petroleum-derived organic pollutants from aged industrial contaminated soils.

Mycoremediation is a type of bioremediation that uses fungal inocula to degrade (or accumulate) pollutants. The advantage of mycoremediation is that it retains the benefits of bioremediation treatments, including low economic, social and environmental costs, while allowing high levels of contaminant removal to be achieved without the counterparts of traditional remediation strategies (e.g. incineration and thermal desorption).
