Site characterization
The soil used for the biotreatability and intermediate scale tests in Italy comes from an Enilive Station, a mobility services hub for drivers, owned by Eni in Borgo Faiti, a town near to Rome.
The soil used for the full-scale pilot test was collected from another contaminated site located in Cisliano, a town next to Milan. In this case, the contamination originated from an oil pipeline break-in occurred in 2015 at an agricultural field.
Both sites undergo a remediation procedure managed by Eni Rewind, pursuant with the Italian environmental law.
The Enilive Station in Borgo Faiti is currently in operation and the soil for laboratory and pilot test were collected next to the area where fuel underground tanks were located (these having been removed in 2019). This soil is mainly composed of clay with silt and sand whereas the soil from the agricultural field in Cisliano is mainly sandy.