Eni Rewind, Eni’s environmental company, hosted a LIFE MySOIL Open Day, with the objective of illustrating the scalability of mycoremediation solutions for the clean-up of aged TPH-contaminated industrial soil. The event was celebrated at the Grand Visconti Palace Hotel in Milan (Italy) and remotely on November 29th, 2023.
During the morning, partners from the LIFE MySOIL multidisciplinary consortium and other experts from important universities and research centres presented the progresses made on the trial tests on mycoremediation for the removal of hydrocarbons from soils.
The Open Day started with a brief presentation of Eni Rewind by Guido Bonfedi, of the University of La Tuscia by Maurizio Petruccioli, and of LIFE MySOIL by the project’s technical coordinator Jofre Herrero.

Further on, the technical programme foresaw a first block dedicated to introducing the use of fungi as a remediation technology, chaired by Silvia Crognale (University of La Tuscia) and Andrea Franzetti (University of Milano Bicocca). This slot included presentations on behalf of Federico Silvestri (ISPRA), Laurent Thannberger (Valgo), Alessandro D’Annibale (University of La Tuscia) and Tatiana Stella (M3R).
Download the presentations at the following links:

The second block on the agenda, chaired by Jofre Herrero (Eurecat) and Fiora Bagnato (Eni Rewind), was focused on the LIFE MySOIL project and the circular economy. In particular, Ilaria Chicca (Novobiom), Rafael Antón (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Jorge Miguel Diamantino (Kepler) and Rachele Ciacciarelli (Eni Rewind) illustrated the three demonstration sites.

Later on, Carlos Garcia (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) delivered a presentation on mycoremediation and the circular economy. Moreover, Anko Fischer (Isodetect) introduced an innovative tool to evaluate biostimulation in soil, named MYCOTRAP.
Presentations are available for download at the links below.

The afternoon session of the workshop took place in the Trimper S.r.l. waste treatment plant, close to Milan, where Eni Rewind showed the pilot-scale mycopile, which consists of an active and a control biopile, each hosting 50 m3 of soils, which were set up following the small pilot results. Moreover, the plant Technical Director Gianluigi Bianchi provided an overall description of the site’s operations.