Project partner Maurizio Petruccioli, professor at the University of La Tuscia (UNITUS), has presented the MySOIL project in the Sustainability Day organised by UNITUS on October 5th, 2022.
His talk, entitled “LIFE projects of the Department for Systems Innovation Biological, Agri-food and Forestry for sustainability”, discussed different LIFE projects that UNITUS is participating, including MySOIL.
The presentation included an overview of the MySOIL project, the first TPH results, the biotreatability tests carried and future mesocosm experiments and pylot micopile. It was also contributed by project partners Alessandro D’Annibale, Silvia Crognale and Davide Lelli.
You can download it here:

The UNITUS’ Sustainability Day consisted of a series of conferences with the aim to spread the culture and good practices of sustainability, describing the skills and experiences carried out in order to increase the positive impacts of the actions implemented by individual universities and institutions.