
Silvia Crognale, associate professor from the University of Tuscia “Viterbo” and LIFE MySOIL partner, participated in the XXXIV SIMGBM Congress – Microbiology 2023, celebrated on September 21st-24th, 2023, in Cagliari (Italy). The event was organised by the Italian Society of General Microbiology and Microbic Technology.

During the congress, she delivered a presentation entitled “Mycoremediation in TPH polluted environments: fungal and bacterial interactions”.

The presentation introduced general aspects regarding mycoremediation, as well as possible fungal bacterial interactions during the bioremediation process. The LIFE MySOIL project was presented too, together with results from the mesocosms experiments.

This speech was held during the plenary session 4 “Functional microbial diversity in polluted environments”, chaired by Andrea Franzetti and Maurizio Petruccioli on September 23rd.

You can download the slides here:

The Microbiology 2023 congress offered three plenary lectures, six plenary sessions and three parallel sessions for oral presentations, among poster contributions.