
The LIFE MySOIL project was disseminated during the workshop “SiCon 2023 Contaminated Sites – Experiences in Remediation Interventions”, that was held from February 8th to 10th at the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering of the Sapienza University of Rome.

Project partners Fiora Bagnato, from Eni Rewind, Eni’s environmental company, and Maurizio Petruccioli, from the University of Tuscia, delivered the presentation “Evaluating the feasibility of the clean-up of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils by mycoaugmentation: the LIFE MySOIL project” during the special session 1A “Bioremediation for contaminated sites”, moderated by Maria Rosaria Boni and Igor Villani.

The presentation introduced the results of the biotreatability tests carried out in the Italian demonstration site of the project, as well as information about the small mesocosm preparation. Moreover, a general overview of LIFE MySOIL and the benefits of mycoremediation were presented.

The SiCon 2023 workshop hosted the presentation of different case studies and full-scale interventions for the rehabilitation and safety of contaminated sites. Particular attention was given to the procedural and technical-operational aspects in light of the most recent regulatory changes and the new challenges for sustainability.