Rouen hosts the second LIFE MySOIL review meeting

The LIFE MySOIL consortium has celebrated in Rouen (France) its second review meeting with a representative of NEEMO, the monitoring body of the LIFE Programme. This meeting represents the first face-to-face encounter between partners. During the meeting, hosted by VALGO on March 1st-2nd, partners presented the work carried out throughout these past months, and they…

Partners from Eni Rewind and UNITUS present LIFE MySOIL during the SiCon 2023 workshop

The LIFE MySOIL project was disseminated during the workshop “SiCon 2023 Contaminated Sites – Experiences in Remediation Interventions”, that was held from February 8th to 10th at the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering of the Sapienza University of Rome. Project partners Fiora Bagnato, from Eni Rewind, Eni’s environmental company, and Maurizio Petruccioli, from the…