LIFE MySOIL organises its third Open Day in Spain to highlight the power of mycoremediation for soil decontamination

The LIFE MySOIL project celebrated on May 29th, 2024, its third Open Day aiming to illustrate the scalability of mycoremediation solutions for the clean-up of aged TPH-contaminated industrial soil. The event, targeted to the scientific community, policy makers, and engineering and environmental companies, was organised by KEPLER Ingeniería y Ecogestión in Seville (Spain). The Open…

UNITUS disseminates LIFE MySOIL at the International Union of Soil Sciences congress

Davide Lelli, additional member of the University of Tuscia (UNITUS) team in the LIFE MySOIL project, participated in the Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), held in Florence (Italy) on May 19th-21st, 2024. He presented a poster entitled “Mycoremediation of hydrocarbons-contaminated soils:  The Life MySOIL project”, which was included…

LIFE MySOIL takes part in the Pint of Science Festival

The LIFE MySOIL project has been present in the Pint of Science Festival, an international event that invites the most cutting-edge researchers to share their knowledge in bars, surrounded by a relaxed atmosphere. Carlos García Delgado, project partner from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, was invited to the May 14th session held in the pub…