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  • Create Date January 18, 2023
  • Last Updated January 18, 2023

Design of mycopiles

Based on the results of biotreatability tests (B1.1) and in line with a strategic polyphasic approach involving a sequential increase in the scale of the process, a remediation strategy will be defined for each soil, primarily based on the following criteria: fungal strain, fungal inoculum formulation, type of bulking agent and its application rate, inoculum loading rate, pH adjustment, humidity and inorganic nutrients additions when needed.

Within this action, the design for the construction of the static mycopiles will be done, giving also relevance to the structure of the layers in the biopile’s bed, the mixing of the soil with the bulking agent and the inoculum, the aeration strategy (injection or extraction), the way of adding the nutrients (solid fertilizer or mixed with water), and maintenance of the required soil’s moisture content. The validation of the selected design will take place first in small pilots of 1.0 m3 capacity and then in the pilot mycopiles of 50 m3 (Action B2), following the same strategy that would be implemented in a commercial biotreatment process: 1) biotreatability assays, 2) pilot validation and 3) full-scale treatment.