LIFE MySOIL joins the ALL4BIOREM cluster to strengthen bioremediation efforts

The LIFE MySOIL project has adhered to the ALL4BIOREM Cluster, a collaborative initiative aimed at advancing bioremediation technologies and promoting sustainable soil restoration practices. This strategic alliance marks a significant step forward in our mission to tackle soil contamination through innovative, nature-based solutions. The ALL4BIOREM Cluster unites multiple European projects working towards the shared goal…

Isodetect shares LIFE MySOIL at the Saxon Contaminated Sites Colloquium

Kevin Kuntze, project partner and CEO of Isodetect, participated in the XXVIII Saxon Contaminated Sites Colloquium 2024 (SALKO), which took place on November 4th-5th- in Dresden (Germany). At the event, the company had its own stand and distributed LIFE MySOIL brochures to the attendees approaching, raising awareness of the project’s objectives, challenges, and solutions in…

LIFE MySOIL successfully celebrates a special session on mycoremediation in RemTech Europe 2024

The LIFE MySOIL project organised a session focused on mycoremediation within the framework of the International Conference and Exhibition on Land and Water Remediation Markets and Technologies (RemTech Europe), held in Ferrara (Italy) from September 16th-20th, 2024. The event, which took place on September 19th, brought together researchers, practitioners and policymakers to discuss the latest…

Partners from KEPLER and UAM showcase LIFE MySOIL results at CONDEGRES 2024

The LIFE MySOIL project took part in the 10th National Symposium on Control of Soil Degradation and Recovery (CONDEGRES 2024), held between June 24th-27th at the facilities of the University of Burgos (Spain). On June 26th, Jorge Diamantino from KEPLER delivered the presentation “Mycoremediation using real-scale biopiles of soils contaminated by total petroleum hydrocarbons”. This…

Eurecat brings LIFE MySOIL to the BioBio 2024 symposium

Jofre Herrero, LIFE MySOIL coordinator and researcher from Eurecat, has been present at the 7th International Symposium on Biosorption and Biodegradation/Bioremediation (BioBio), organised by the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague (VŠCHT) from June 16th-20th, 2024, in Prague (Czech Republic). During the symposium, he held two talks containing research boosted by the LIFE MySOIL project.…

LIFE MySOIL organises its third Open Day in Spain to highlight the power of mycoremediation for soil decontamination

The LIFE MySOIL project celebrated on May 29th, 2024, its third Open Day aiming to illustrate the scalability of mycoremediation solutions for the clean-up of aged TPH-contaminated industrial soil. The event, targeted to the scientific community, policy makers, and engineering and environmental companies, was organised by KEPLER Ingeniería y Ecogestión in Seville (Spain). The Open…

UNITUS disseminates LIFE MySOIL at the International Union of Soil Sciences congress

Davide Lelli, additional member of the University of Tuscia (UNITUS) team in the LIFE MySOIL project, participated in the Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), held in Florence (Italy) on May 19th-21st, 2024. He presented a poster entitled “Mycoremediation of hydrocarbons-contaminated soils:  The Life MySOIL project”, which was included…