
The LIFE MySOIL project organised a session focused on mycoremediation within the framework of the International Conference and Exhibition on Land and Water Remediation Markets and Technologies (RemTech Europe), held in Ferrara (Italy) from September 16th-20th, 2024.

The event, which took place on September 19th, brought together researchers, practitioners and policymakers to discuss the latest advances in mycoremediation. It was structured in two blocks: the first included talks on mycoremediation from experts from the field and the second dug into the LIFE MySOIL project.

The initial presentation was held by Tatiana Stella, CEO of M3R-Monitoring and Management of Microbial Resources, who delved into the mycoremediation concept with her talk “A 15-year long story of recalcitrant pollutants treatment by fungi.

Salomé Bertone, PhD student from the University of Technology of Compiègne, followed by delivering the presentation “Microbial interactions involved in bioremediation of benzo(a)pyrene by the fungus Talaromyces helicus in soil”.

The first block was closed by Caroline Zaoui, CTO & Co-founder of Novobiom, with the presentation “Aiming at precision bioremediation”.

After the break, the second block started with an introduction to the LIFE MySOIL project by Jofre Herrero, Advanced Researcher and project coordinator from Eurecat.

The three demonstration sites of the project were then presented. The French site was introduced by Ilaria Chicca, Mycologist from Novobiom, and by Laurent Thannberger, Scientific Director from VALGO; the Italian site by Alessandro D’Annibale, Senior Researcher from the University of Tuscia and Fiora Bagnato, Senior R&D Specialist from Eni Rewind; and the Spanish site by Rafael Antón, Researcher from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and by Jorge Diamantino, Consultant from KEPLER, Ingeniería y Ecogestión.

To wrap up the presentations, Anko Fischer, Head of Office in Leipzig from Isodetect, stepped in to introduce the MYCOTRAP,  a novel approach used in LIFE MySOIL to assess soil mycoremediation.

The special session was not the only dissemination activity of LIFE MySOIL during RemTech. Three of the industrial partners of the consortium (Kepler, Isodetect and Novobiom) managed a joint booth on the conference floor, where they displayed the LIFE MySOIL rollup and distributed project’s brochures to the attendees approaching their stand.

RemTech Europe facilitated the exchange of knowledge, showcased innovations, and presented case studies to advance remediation processes and the use of sustainable technologies. It brought together experts, industry leaders, and technology providers, offering a platform for discussion and collaboration among stakeholders.

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