
Jofre Herrero, LIFE MySOIL coordinator and researcher from Eurecat, has been present at the 7th International Symposium on Biosorption and Biodegradation/Bioremediation (BioBio), organised by the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague (VŠCHT) from June 16th-20th, 2024, in Prague (Czech Republic).

During the symposium, he held two talks containing research boosted by the LIFE MySOIL project. The first one, held on June 17th, introduced the project’s mycoremediation guidelines for boosting the implementation of this technology at a full scale. This talk was included in a session containing other short lectures, chaired by associated professors Hana Stiborová and Simona Lencová.

You can download the slides of the presentation here:

On June 19th, Jofre Herrero delivered the presentation “Evaluating the feasibility of the clean-up of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils by mycoaugmentation: the LIFE MySOIL project”, focused on the outcomes of the project up to date, with a focus on the Italian demonstration site, led by Eni Rewind and the University of Tuscia.

The talk was part of the session “Microbial diversity and biodegradation of pollutants”, held by professors Sara Borin and Rafael Rivilla, containing presentations from related Horizon Europe projects.

Check out the content of the presentation down below:

The BioBio symposium serves as a platform for researchers interested in various aspects of biosorption/degradation to exchange knowledge, establish new contacts across disciplines, and foster international collaborations.

Every couple of years, this meeting highlights the newest scientific advancements and cutting-edge methodological approaches in bioremediation, biodegradation, and biodeterioration research.