Presentation of LIFE MySOIL during the World Soil Day of the Government of Andalusia

Jorge Diamantino, project partner from KEPLER, has presented the LIFE MySOIL project during the World Soil Day, event organised by the Regional Government of Andalusia on December 1st, 2022. During his presentation, entitled “LIFE MySOIL. A step further in bioremediation: mycoremediation for soil recovery”, Jorge Diamantino gave an overview of the project, presenting its objectives,…

VALGO and Novobiom present a poster with results of the LIFE MySOIL project

Partners from VALGO (Laurent Thannberger) and Novobiom (Ilaria Chicca and Caroline Zaoui) have presented a LIFE MySOIL poster at the event “Innovative solutions for in situ diagnostic & monitoring, for polluted sites and soil management”, celebrated on November 9th-10th in Bordeaux (France). The poster showed the methodology specifically designed to promote the upscaling (from lab…

UNITUS presents the MySOIL project in its Sustainability Day

Project partner Maurizio Petruccioli, professor at the University of La Tuscia (UNITUS), has presented the MySOIL project in the Sustainability Day organised by UNITUS on October 5th, 2022. His talk, entitled “LIFE projects of the Department for Systems Innovation Biological, Agri-food and Forestry for sustainability”, discussed different LIFE projects that UNITUS is participating, including MySOIL.…