
Partners from VALGO (Laurent Thannberger) and Novobiom (Ilaria Chicca and Caroline Zaoui) have presented a LIFE MySOIL poster at the event “Innovative solutions for in situ diagnostic & monitoring, for polluted sites and soil management”, celebrated on November 9th-10th in Bordeaux (France).

The poster showed the methodology specifically designed to promote the upscaling (from lab to mid scale pilots) of mycoremediation.

Within LIFE MySOIL, VALGO and Novobiom are managing the French demonstration site. VALGO is in charge of its design, construction, operation and evaluation, while Novobiom is responsible for the biotreatability evaluation and fungal inocula production, leading the definition of the valorisation strategy and the associated business plan.

This event (les journées „Solutions innovantes in situ de Diagnostic et de Monitoring – Gestion des sites et sol pollués”, in French) was focused on sharing innovative diagnostic and monitoring tools for polluted sites and soil management/remediation.

It was organised by 3 French organisations (Innovasol, GISFI and ESSORT Network) promoting the industrial R&D necessary to support innovation in the field of polluted sites and soil management.