The LIFE MySOIL project has been present in the Pint of Science Festival, an international event that invites the most cutting-edge researchers to share their knowledge in bars, surrounded by a relaxed atmosphere.
Carlos García Delgado, project partner from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, was invited to the May 14th session held in the pub “Café Central” in Aranda de Duero (Spain).
He held a talk on decontamination of soils, organic waste and experiences of the university on that topic, where he introduced LIFE MySOIL and the use of mycoremediation for cleaning up soils contaminated with hydrocarbons.
In particular, he focused on the tests performed at a lab scale and the scale-up process that followed, leading to the installation of pilot biopiles in Huelva.
You can download the slides of the presentation here:
The Pint of Science Festival, spanning three days in May, is celebrated every year simultaneously in coordination with all participating countries and cities, and for three consecutive days, bars around the world are filled with science.