Heinrich Eisenmann, LIFE MySOIL partner from Isodetect, has attended the 13th International SedNet Conference, celebrated on September 6th-8th, 2023, in Lisbon (Portugal).
In particular, his presentation “Assessing Microbial Quality of Polluted Marine and Soil Sediments with Advanced in Situ Monitoring Tools” focused on innovative environmental monitoring tools assessing pollutant degradation in soil that were specifically established in LIFE MySOIL.
During his speech, Heinrich Eisenmann pointed out that the development and implementation of innovative remediation technologies is a step-by-step procedure that has to be supported by advanced monitoring methods.

This presentation was held within the session “Sediment quality guidance and sediment quality assessment” on September 7th. You can download it here:
The SedNet conference, co-organised by the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon and the Instituto Dom Luiz, covered a wide range of topics at the forefront of sediment management.