Jofre Herrero, researcher of the Water, Air and Soil Unit and LIFE MySOIL coordinator from Eurecat, attended the LIFE Platform Meeting on Soils, co-organised by the LIFE Nadapta and LIFE IP Urban Klima 2050 projects on April 10th-11th, 2024, in Pamplona (Spain).
During the event, he took the opportunity to give an overview of the LIFE MySOIL project, introducing the progess made until then and how the consortium faces the last stage of the initiative. He also discussed the European Soil Strategy for 2030 and some of the problems and areas of improvement in the management of contaminated soils.
Downlad the slides of the presentation here:
LIFE Platform Meeting on Soils
The LIFE Platform Meeting on Soils aimed to foster networking, feedback, and policy input among the stakeholders involved in soil-related projects funded by the LIFE Programme.
The meeting covered three main soil sectors: conservation and adaptation, contamination and bioremediation, and management and mitigation. Attendees also discussed horizontal topics such as soil health monitoring, climate change, promotion of soil literacy, economic opportunities, and water-soil nexus.