Carme Bosch, Head of the Soils and Groundwater Research Line of the Water, Air and Soil Unit from Eurecat, participated in the Mix&Match event of the NICOLE Innovation Day, taking place on March 11th, 2024, in the University of Liege (Belgium).
During the event, she delivered a presentation with an overview of the LIFE MySOIL project, especially focusing on the most advanced phase of the initiative: the pilot mycopiles to demonstrate that fungi can degrade petroleum-derived compounds from contaminated soils.
Carme Bosch also presented the MYCOTRAP device to evaluate contaminant degradation and discussed the expected impacts as a result of the project activities.
You can download the slides of the presentation here:
A step further in bioremediation: mycoremediation for soil recovery
The NICOLE Innovation Day was dedicated to bringing innovations for sustainable land management to NICOLE members.
In the morning, the Mix&Match event presented innovations that need a boost to advance to the next stage. Innovative partners pitched their innovations to attendees and explained what they needed to take them to the next stage of development.
The afternoon was dedicated to field demonstrations of innovations that received or were nominated for the NICOLE Innovation Award.

The NICOLE Innovation Day was part of the NICOLE & COMMON FORUM Spring Workshop 2024, which brought together industry experts, researchers, regulators and environmental practitioners for an in-depth exploration of essential soil management topics.
The overarching theme of the workshop was the future of soil contamination, and in particular, the impacts of the European developments regarding soil health and the challenges that pose the emerging contaminants.
NICOLE is a leading forum on industrially co-ordinated sustainable land management in Europe, promoting co-operation between industry, academia, and service providers on the development and application of sustainable technologies.